I love Twitter. To help streamline my life, I use Twitter to update my Facebook profile status.

Well earlier this week, I posted:

RT @rdearborn #SROI @kanter proving she can explain complicated ROI theories and also conquer PPT templates with humorous photos.

Three minutes later, one of my Facebook friends commented:

I have to be honest I never understand these status updates

I had to laugh. It does look like so much gibberish as a Facebook status update!

So, if you’re new to Twitter, or have friends on Facebook with statuses that look like this, here’s a way to translate those messages:

With Twitter, you only get 140 characters so this kind of shorthand is VERY helpful. But it can be confusing in Facebook! 🙂

P.S. To hear Beth Kanter’s webinar on determining the ROI on social media, go to this link to the #sroi webinar recording.

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