There are dire warnings in the United States press about the huge drop in charitable giving coming in 2018. Even groups who should know better, like AFP – the Association of Fundraising Professionals, is saying the sky is falling. (Full disclosure: I am on the board of my local AFP chapter. That doesn’t mean I agree with everything from the main office.)

I am sure they have their reasons. But it’s appalling to see how these warnings are filling nonprofit leaders with despair. They’re looking to slash their budgets, lay off staff, even considering closing up shop.

While fiscal responsibility is a great thing, the warnings are overreaching. Especially about nonprofits losing billions of dollars.

That doesn’t need to happen! These models are based on rational economics. But giving has never been rational. (If you don’t believe me, check out the great neuroscience studies shown in the recent Emotionraising training in the Nonprofit Academy. (The link is – you do need to be a member to view.)

I recently recorded a video with this reminder to give hope to nonprofit leaders in the aftermath of the tax bill. Over on Facebook alone, this video has received more than 10,000 views – by far the most viewed video I’ve posted.

Feel free to share it with your boards and others. And commit to getting excellent at telling your nonprofit’s story in terms your donors understand.

A message of hope for nonprofit leaders in the USA in the aftermath of the recent tax bill

And for how board members can help with fundraising, check out 21 Ways for Board Members to Help With Their Nonprofit’s Fundraising at

21 Ways for Board Members to Engage with their Nonprofit's Fundraising book image

You'll discover the 21 ways each board member can help their nonprofit's fundraising - even if they don't like to ask for money!

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