Abilities: A Summary

As we’ve learned through this series, an “ability” is a hardwired, natural talent that we’re born with. It speaks to the things that seem to come naturally to us; the things we do with relative ease. We all do things that we are not talented in. We’ve built up skills...

Driving Abilities: Problem Solving

Just as we saw four profiles emerge from the Personal Style abilities, there are four profiles that come with the combination of the Driving Abilities of Classification and Concept Organization. CONSULTATIVE People high in both classification and concept organization...

Driving Abilities: Spatial Relations Theory

Spatial Relations Theory and Spatial Relations Visualization (which we’ll look at next time) are closely related. Together, they measure two sides of the same coin: a person’s preference to mentally deal with the “real world” of objects and systems or a person’s...

Driving Abilities: Idea Productivity

Idea productivity is the third of the powerful driving abilities. Idea productivity measures the quantity of ideas a person has not the quality. It measures how many ideas a person has, not how creative a person is. I like to think of idea productivity as the flow of...

Driving Abilities: Concept Organization

As I mentioned in the last issue, the five driving abilities are very powerful. These abilities directly impact job performance and satisfaction. If any one of these abilities is high, it requires itself to find an outlet. Most jobs only call on one or two so people...
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