Here’s another question I received in my inbox from Emile Dillis:
How to propose a fund raising project to organisations, fundraisers or individuals?
The Lord has led us to a place in the mountains of Northern Italy. Here our ministry shall be hospitality. Holiday home, meeting place, courses, seminars, Bible school, evangelisation and so much more.
We are looking for support from organisations and individuals, donations to realise this project. How do we propose this project to organisations? Do we make a formal business plan? What do we include/exclude? What do we need to do and what not?
Any advice or help is gratefully welcome !
We are prepared to take steps in Faith.
And here’s my answer:
Wonderful!! Good for you!
I’d start dreaming and visioning–on paper. What is God calling you to? What is your intent?
And the hardest part: what niche is God calling you too?
Yeah, everyone. But really, who? 20 year old backpackers? 65+ elderhostel folks? Churched? Unchurched?
This is SO hard but SO important. You’ll need to market your place. And it’s FAR easier to market to a specific group.
Don’t worry, you’ll get all sorts of people. But get really clear on a people group or type that God is calling you to. A group that’s easy to find.
I’d highly recommend using a goals program like my MagnetGoals program. There’s a free version and a print out version. (Website below.)
Get books like
- Michael Gerber’s The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It
- Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- Jim Collin’s & Jerry Poras’ Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies
- Jim Collin’s Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap… and Others Don’t
- Seth Godin’s Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable
and Free Prize Inside!
That should get you started!
One last encouragement, work through the MagnetGoals system and the E-Myth work of business planning and Covey’s 7 Habits. It’s tedious but the clarity it’ll bring is priceless.
While you’re at it, get to know yourself too. DiSC or Myers Briggs or Highlands Abilities Battery or StrenthsFinder. Find out what God made you good at and what you’ll need to outsource when you can.
You are going to hit a wall at some point. Anything God calls us to requires we come to the end of ourselves. That way we rely on him! But when you’re at the end of yourself, you’ll want to quit. Don’t. The clarity this early work brings will help reignite your fire and renew your faith.
And please keep in touch. I’ve only been to Northern Italy once, just long enough to whet my appetite!
To ask me your question, go to Question Marc on my site or simply log on to and use the Charity & Nonprofit Answers section.