Thanks to your efforts, Ask Without Fear! is getting:
- wonderful reviews on Amazon
- tremendous responses from board members that are getting fired up about fundraising,
- listed as “must reads” on blogs and in FundRaisingSuccess Magazine, and
- mentions in the Chronicle of Philanthropy.
Thank you!
I just read a great list of ways to help get the word out about a book. It’s at the end of Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. (A tremendously inspiring book that you really should read.)
The ideas are so good, I thought I’d tweak the list a bit for ways to spread the word about Ask Without Fear! If you’d like to help more nonprofits learn to fundraise more effectively, you could:
- Keep updated on book signings and events at the
- Join the Ask Without Fear! Facebook group.
- Suggest Ask Without Fear! to a friend, colleague, book club, civic group, university or high school class, or a group interested in raising money for charity.
- Check to see if Ask Without Fear! is in your local library. If it isn’t, either donate a copy of the book or ask the library to consider adding Ask Without Fear! to its collection. Ask your friends or family in others states to do this also. This would help make the book even more available to nonprofits that may feel they aren’t able to pay for it just yet.
- Encourage your local independent bookstore or chain bookstore to carry it.
- Write a review about Ask Without Fear! for
, Barnes & Noble, Borders,, or a blog. Your candid comments will help the buzz for this (or any) book.
- Ask the book editor of your local newspaper or radio to consider reviewing the book.
These are just a few ways to let more people know about the book. I’d appreciate whatever you can do to get the word out!
With your help, we’ll help ensure the charities we serve get the funding they deserve!