I love libraries and believe their mission is as important in our digital age as they’ve ever been.
So I’m working on a version of “Ask Without Fear!” specifically for librarians.
I’m blogging my book at my new library fundraising blog Beyond Fines.
Let’s make this a conversation. I’d love your comments.
And would you help your local library by letting them know about the blog? It’s at http://library.fundraisingcoach.com/
Great idea, Marc. I love taking my kids to our local library, but with shrinking funding, programs and hours are disappearing. They need all the help they can get and my late fees probably won’t suffice.
Thanks Amy. I have a soft spot for libraries and I want to help them thrive!
It is probably a given, but I will give a shout out for special events as a fundraising tool for any non profit org that needs to build a community outside current users. Imagine the folks that would show up to support a community resource like the library with the right special event.
Thanks Sherry!
You’re right. I’m not a fan of special events as a means of fundraising. BUT if the goal is fundraising AND community awareness, they are terrific!