
Marc A. Pitman, The Fundraising CoachMarc is the authorAsk Without Fear! of Ask Without Fear! and founder of Fundraisingcoach.com. Nationally recognized as thought leader, Marc helps individuals and organizations raise money more effectively than they thought possible! He’s invited to speak at conferences and teaches seminars through various organizations including Blackbaud’s Conferences for Nonprofits, Habitat for Humanity International, AFP regional meetings, and the American Marketing Association.

He also has his own Creating Donor Evangelists audio program and other products to help you excel at raising money available at the Fundraising Coach Store.

Marc is also the Director of the Foundation of Inland Hospital. And for the last 3 1/2 years, Marc founded and pastored the Vineyard Church of Waterville. Most importantly, he’s the husband of an incredible wife and the father of three amazing kids.

What’s the story with the bow tie?
I’ve been wearing a bow tie even longer than I’ve been raising money. In the 1970’s I got started with a maroon velvet clip-on. In high school, I was able to get the yard sale bow ties from Boston Brahmin for 50¢. I didn’t realize how much a part of me bow ties were until I tried giving a seminar in San Diego without one. I was told I had to wear one, it was just “part of who you are!” Fortunately, I had one in my briefcase!

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