This was in our internal “daily” here at Inland Hospital. What a great reminder!

FISH! Make Their Day

The Pike Place Fish guys make a difference for everyone around them. They “make their day’ by having fun and inviting others
to join in.

It’s hard for anyone to resist a good time, especially in a place where you’re supposed to be serious. If you’re feeling down and you deal with someone who’s up-beat and friendly, you can’t help but absorb some of their energy.

Have you ever had this experience? you’re having a lousy day. You’re in a bad mood. You’re upset. And then you are confronted
with a dog wagging its tail or a smiling child. Did your mood lighten? Did you smile? That’s what we mean by “Make Their Day.”

Now pass it on

  • Look at grouchy people as a challenge, even a game. It’s easier to make someone’s day if they’re already in good spirits. But if they’re being difficult, you get a chance to really prove yourself. It probably won’t be as easy as coming up with a one-liner. Pay attention to them. Play with them. If nothing works, you haven’t lost anything. If it does, it’ll make your day too!
  • React to each person as an individual. Ask yourself, “What would make this person’s day? What would bring a smile to their face? What can I do?”
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