In the last few posts, we’ve been gleaning from Seth Godin’s latest book, The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit (and When to Stick).

If you’ve determined that you can be best in the world and that you are truly in a dip, not a cul-de-sac and not panicking, then you simply get to push through the dip.

Being in the Dip isn’t comfortable. Unfortuntately, too much quitting is done by people in the Dip. Most people think “If it hurts, I’ll just stop.” The short-term benefit outweighs any consideration of long-term payoff. As Seth says:

Short-term pain has more impact on most people than long-term benefits do, whixh is why it’s so important for you to amplify the long-term benefits of not quitting.

If you really can be “best in the world” but aren’t yet seeing the results you want, don’t give up until you’ve pushed through. Remind your board what the benefits of a strong fundraising program are and why yours can be “best in the world.” Celebrate whatever successes you have. (That’s easy to do if you’ve incorporated the Creating Donor Evangelists strategies.)

And keep reminding yourself of the long-term benefits. Our culture is geared to “look for the best.” If you’re the best, it’s easier to raise money. You’ll no longer have to say “We’re just like XYZ organization but different…” You will be XYZ organization–the one they already know!

You may not be at that point yet, but you can be. You’ve got what it takes.

The problem is that only a tiny portion of the audience is looking for the brand-new thing. Most people are waiting for the tested, the authenticated, and the proven (p. 49).

That’s why it pays off to move through the Dip.

Don’t fall in love with a tactic and defend it forever. Instead, decide once and for all whether you’re in a market or not. And if you are, get through that Dip (p.51).

According to Godin, the opposite of quitting is “rededication.”

So for the rest of this summer, since you’ve committed to being the best in the world, next commit yourself to rededicating to doing what you’re doing. Fearlessly ask if you need to change tactics. Read books, go to seminars, hire a coach.

(Yeah, that last was a shameless plug. 🙂 But since the ROI on coaching is 300% so the investment is incredibly smart. Coaching studies are available in the “articles” section of )

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