I’m a huge believer in goal setting. Especially in the power of writing down goals.

Every December, I write a list of 100 things I want to accomplish in the next 12 months. This technique isn’t for everyone, but it’s fun to see how well received it is for people who push through (like Jon Swanson).

A few years back, my friend Spring Gouette did the list. 8 or 10 weeks later, she sent me this:

Hey Marc,

Just had to share a funny thing. I did the magnet goals form this year (not putting them into my planner, but creating the lists and asking myself the suggested questions) and I read the comment you made that even just writing out 100 things you’d like to accomplish would have an impact, if I didn’t do the rest of the steps. Well, I totally agreed with that, but I didn’t expect the way it worked out.

Yesterday I made my first trip to a recording studio to start my CD (you can read about it on my blog). 🙂 Preparing for that the last week, I began to do some searching for things to help my vocal health–my allergies have gotten bad so my voice is weak. Well, anyway, I ordered a couple things and it has been my focus all week.

Last night I came across my “100 Goals and Dreams.” #2 was “improve vocal control/range/support”! I do NOT remember writing that at all! It was apparently the SECOND thing I came up with, and I don’t remember it, but it has become my focus for the spring. That is too weird! So I decided to read the rest and see what else I had written, and I was so excited to find I had done 9 of the 79 things I came up with! I don’t know that they will all happen–like “ride a horse 3 times,” but I put dreams in there too. So who knows!

I figured that having written the list would keep those things in my mind, what I didn’t anticipate was that even NOT remembering, I would accomplish them… must be my subconscious! 🙂

Anyway, just wanted to share!

Thanks for making that available!


Spring’s experience is much like mine. Writing down goals is sort of like giving your subconscious something to chew on.

Four Months Left

It’s a new month. There are only 4 months are left in 2011. Why not write a list of 100 things you’d like to be accomplished between now and December 31?

If you’d like to learn about the list of 100, you can sign up for the free MagnetGoals e-course over at: https://fundraisingcoach.com/magnet-goals/

To hear some of Spring’s music, head over to: http://www.myspace.com/springgouette

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