It’s hard to believe it’s been two years since my friend and colleague Hildy Gottlieb’s book The Pollyanna Principles was released. Her thoughts and ideas keep coming to mind, especially in my role as a board member for various nonprofits.
Here are a sampling of what people are saying about the book two years later:
David Svet says:
This is one of my favorite books because it provides a brilliant alternative view of the nonprofit sector, describing it as a community benefit sector and it also includes a thorough explanation of how to make it work for your organization.
- Christine Egger:
…if you suspect that our capacity to affect positive change is determined as much by the assumptions we carry with us as any other factor — and would value an example of how to describe that capacity to a sector dedicated to positive change — you’ll want to take a closer look at this book…
- Pat Simpson:
Hildy Gottlieb’s Pollyanna Principles is one great resource for nonprofits!
- Amy Sample Ward, quoting her book review from two years ago, says:
We have a huge opportunity before us to remodel our social benefit organization structure. There is so much talk both online and offline, from inside organizations and from outside, that “nonprofits are broken.” We’ve done step 1: admitted that we have a problem. Now, what? Well, as Hildy explains, we need to start driving our work with our vision of how we want the world to be, instead of what the problems are before us.
As you can see, this isn’t your typical “nonprofit” book. The Pollyanna Principles will challenge your thinking and inspire you to greatness. Really.
If you want to read the first section for yourself, you can get them at Creating the Future. They’re also offering the book for at a discount as a second anniversary celebration. This isn’t an affiliate link. I just think you should get the book!