@Philanthropy pointed me to a humor piece in the New Yorker called Looking Forward to Your Check.

The invitation to a fictitious fundraising event starts out with:

The Benefit Committee wishes to remind all Subscribers that the thrill for those pledging as much money as they can afford to attend this Gala Charity Event will always be outweighed by the shame felt by those pledging as little as possible.

It goes on to list the benefits of six levels of pledgers. Among the many things the top pledgers get is a “Prada 48-oz. doggie bag.” The lowest category, ingloriously called “The Huddled Masses,” gets only a copy of the program…if there are any left.

I’m all for giving benefits to sponsors. But this took me a bit by surprise. I found myself wondering if my donors think this is what I’m promoting.

I hope not!

Go take a look at Looking Forward to Your Check.

How can you make your benefits seem less egotistical? Or do you feel that’s the wrong question?

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