Just a reminder of the proper use of spam! When you’re asking for money, please remember that email addresses are a priviledge. Don’t fall into the trap of using email just because “it’s so cheap.” That kind of use could quickly devolve...
I always suspected there was a user’s guide for spam out there somewhere. Now I’ve found it! When you’re fundraising, please remember that email addresses are a privilege. Don’t fall into the trap of using email exclusively “because...
A special thanks to everyone that nominated me for inclusion in BullMarket 2004, the latest collaboration of Seth Godin (http://www.sethgodin.com) and Fast Company magazine (http://www.fastcompany.com). Seth compiled a directory of companies that help clients become...
Would you help me? I’ve been notified I’m a finalist in Seth Godin’s latest book project “Bullmarket 2004: Companies That Can Help You Make Things Happen.” Seth is the author of “Permission Marketing” and...