Proper Use of Spam (revisited)

Proper Use of Spam (revisited)

Just a reminder of the proper use of spam! When you’re asking for money, please remember that email addresses are a priviledge. Don’t fall into the trap of using email just because “it’s so cheap.” That kind of use could quickly devolve...

Proper Spam User Guide

I always suspected there was a user’s guide for spam out there somewhere. Now I’ve found it! When you’re fundraising, please remember that email addresses are a privilege. Don’t fall into the trap of using email exclusively “because...

BullMarket 2004–Thank You!

A special thanks to everyone that nominated me for inclusion in BullMarket 2004, the latest collaboration of Seth Godin ( and Fast Company magazine ( Seth compiled a directory of companies that help clients become...

Seth Godin’s “Bullmarket 2004”

Would you help me? I’ve been notified I’m a finalist in Seth Godin’s latest book project “Bullmarket 2004: Companies That Can Help You Make Things Happen.” Seth is the author of “Permission Marketing” and...
21 Ways for Board Members to Engage with their Nonprofit's Fundraising book image

You'll discover the 21 ways each board member can help their nonprofit's fundraising - even if they don't like to ask for money!

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