FundRaising Success has a nice summary of a talk given by Blackbaud’s Samantha Cohen.
As I Gen-Xer myself, I found this quote particularly compelling.
“Tell them you want to end world hunger, and they’ll say, ‘No, you’re not,’” she said. “Tell them you want to put a piece of fresh fruit in every child’s lunch bag, and they listen.”
Cohen added that the ROI for Gen Xers is more psychic than material. They don’t dwell on benefits and are well-positioned to be the most loyal group in decades.
To read the entire article, go to Fundraising Through the Years.
Marc – I read the article as well. As somebody who straddles both the Gen X and Y generations (I’m one or the other depending on whose ranges you believe), I can see a bit of myself in both.
Samantha says that it’s not about mail v. e-mail. And I agree. It’s going to be WHERE online the donors are, not IF.
That’s SO true. That’s why we need to be exploring web 2.0 AND direct mail AND other ways of connecting with our donors.