I’ve been doing LOTS of trainings in the last few months. And getting a lot of the same types of questions. They generally sound like: “How do I know when a right time to ask so-and-so?” “How do I know if that asking amount is too much?”...
With 4 weeks left in the calendar year, staying focused is more important than ever. Rather than feeling like you’re living out a well planned fundraising year, these last four weeks can often feel like you’re missing out on everything. That you’re...
I’ve said for years that fundraising is all about leadership. And we all have leadership opportunities, even if we don’t have leadership titles. One of the best ways to grow in our ability to lead is to get clear on our values. Both personally and...
Last week, I blogged about leading in uncertain times. It’s gotten the most feedback of any blog post this year. As I’ve been thinking about it, the three things that help leading through uncertain times fit perfectly with fundraising too. We...
Facebook used this picture to remind me that twelve years ago, I was with Jerry Panas at a fundraising training at the University of Southern Maine. What struck me about the picture is the pad of paper beside Jerry. These few fundraising tips are powerful. And...