There are dire warnings in the United States press about the huge drop in charitable giving coming in 2018. Even groups who should know better, like AFP – the Association of Fundraising Professionals, is saying the sky is falling. (Full disclosure: I am on the...
This morning, I was inspired by reading “The Ball is Always in Your Court” on the blog. So I’m declaring today Follow Up Friday. In the post, Tom Suddes says that of the three parts of any ask, the follow up is the most important. I...
We are thrilled to announce that Ask Without Fear!® is now available in Chinese! Thanks to the tranlators at Shantz Language Services, people raising support in China and in Chinese speaking populations around the world will be able to read Ask Without Fear! in...
We are thrilled to announce that Ask Without Fear!® is now available in Chinese! Thanks to the tranlators at Shantz Language Services, people raising support in China and in Chinese speaking populations around the world will be able to read Ask Without Fear! in...
As I wrote earlier this week, some of my coaching clients are being transformed by the idea of keeping on going until we get no. This concept is helping them keep up their endurance in asking. And it’s helping donors really connect to causes that matter to them....