I read an interesting post on the Chronicle of Philanthropy about the Google for Nonprofits portal.

Looks like things many of us are already using, or ought to be using, to promote our organizations. (Granted, it’s probably a bit odd to have a “Google Checkout” badge on the links for the Vineyard Church of Waterville AdWords ads! But folks in our church like to pay their tithes and offerings online!)

What intrigues me most about this offering, is a quote in the Chronicle article:

“Many of us have heard from our friends in the [charity] community that, while they knew our tools could be helpful to them, sometimes they weren’t sure exactly where to start,” [Bob Boorstin] says. He believes the portal will help answer such questions.

Check it out for yourself and tell me what you think:
Google for Nonprofits

The grants and gadget options are particularly intriguing! These may be innovative ways to engage your donors.

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