Today the Chronicle of Philanthropy reported on a seemingly provocative comments from the head of the Wal-Mart Foundation, Margaret McKenna. According to the Boston Herald, she said some charities should fail.

I whole heartedly agree. Some nonprofits should fail. Just like some businesses should fail.

Aren’t you tired of receiving fundraising appeals with a message of “If you don’t give now, we won’t survive”?

Pathetic, isn’t it?

The Chronicle reports:

“The argument that ‘our organization will go out of business’ doesn’t resonate with me,” said Ms. McKenna. What does resonate, she said, is, “Our population will not be served.”

Please take this to heart. Fundraising should never be to pay the bills. It should always be about the people we serve.

As you write your year end appeals, make sure your messaging is about who you serve. In uncertain economic times like ours, nonprofits are need more than ever because people are in need more than ever.

Focus on those people. Not on your organization’s survival.

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