Debra Blum of The Chronicle of Philanthropy has a great summary of comments from Reynold Levy, president of the Lincoln Center, told participants of the Independent Sector annual conference.
According to the Chronicle, Levy exhorted the attendees that:
“Great fund raisers don’t whine about the economy. They believe in Noah’s principle: No more credit for predicting rain. Credit only for building arks.”
He also says:
“There’s never a bad season, or year, or day, or economic climate for soliciting donations for a worthy cause.”
I whole-heartedly agree! I’ve been writing on ideas for fundraising in a tough economy for months.
Remember, curtailing fundraising is not compassionate.
Besides, donors get enough whining from their kids. They don’t need it from us. 🙂
Read the entire article, Fund Raisers ‘Don’t Whine’ in a Tough Economy, to find out how Levy thinks nonprofits can make the most of this economy.