My blog post What really bugs your donors? has gotten a lot of traffic.

I’ve received over 100 responses between the question on LinkedIn, the comments on the blog, and emails sent directly to me!

I’ve been amazed at how relieved people are that someone finally asked them what annoys them! Donors have been carrying these things on their chest and didn’t know where to let it out.

If you’re involved in nonprofit fundraising in anyway, you really need to read these reponses.

Don’t wait for me to figure out how to distill this information! You can read the 63 responses on LinkedIn right now!

I’m committed to helping nonprofits fundraise in a way that creates donor evangelists. These free responses will help you do just that!

Update 2/14/2013: LinkedIn shut down “Answers” this month. Here are the four pages of answers as saved in Evernote:
Page 1:

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Page 4:

21 Ways for Board Members to Engage with their Nonprofit's Fundraising book image

You'll discover the 21 ways each board member can help their nonprofit's fundraising - even if they don't like to ask for money!

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