Nonprofits are NOT self-reliant

Nonprofits are NOT self-reliant

One of the biggest red-herrings I see nonprofit boards pursue is a pipe dream of “self sufficiency” for their nonprofit. Rather than pursuing their mission, the board directs the executive director to look at selling things and renting things in a quixotic...
It’s weird to ask for money in January, isn’t it?

It’s weird to ask for money in January, isn’t it?

January can be a hard month to make fundraising calls in. As the leader of a nonprofit, you are acutely aware of all the work that went into your organization’s fundraising last month. So it can feel “too soon” to get back to asking. It’s not to soon. All of your work...
Surprises for New Nonprofit Leaders

Surprises for New Nonprofit Leaders

At a recent “Exactly What To SayTM for Nonprofit Leaders” session at the Nonprofit Storytelling Conference, I asked attendees: When you took on a new leadership position, what surprised you most? While there were responses like “the great impact I...
21 Ways for Board Members to Engage with their Nonprofit's Fundraising book image

You'll discover the 21 ways each board member can help their nonprofit's fundraising - even if they don't like to ask for money!

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