Surprises for New Nonprofit Leaders

Surprises for New Nonprofit Leaders

At a recent "Exactly What To SayTM for Nonprofit Leaders" session at the Nonprofit Storytelling Conference, I asked attendees: When you took on a new leadership position, what surprised you most? While there were responses like "the great impact I get to make" and...

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What do we do now?

What do we do now?

You've made it. It's after GivingTuesday. Your year-end fundraising letters are written, edited, and stuffed. Your year-end fundraising emails are scheduled. Your fundraising systems are in motion. Now what do you do? This is supposed to be the biggest month of the...

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3 Tips for Fundraising in a Recession

3 Tips for Fundraising in a Recession

One of the interesting things of being an active blog for twenty years is you get to cover things like fundraising in a recession. Multiple times. A quick search shows blog posts on recession proof fundraising going back at least 14 years. Including "10 Tips for...

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Low-cost or free fundraising training

Low-cost or free fundraising training

Upcoming Fundraising and Nonprofit Trainings If you're looking for free or low-cost, high-quality fundraising training, here are three events to check out! And each are being recorded so even if you miss them live, you should be able to access them later! Social Media...

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Work in a nonprofit? Then join a board

Work in a nonprofit? Then join a board

Most other teams or organizations are run by a person or a partnership. The people in charge have both the responsibility for the welfare of the organization and the authority to make decisions for it. But nonprofits are weird organizations. The head of a nonprofit...

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Why fundraising asks are so hard

Why fundraising asks are so hard

Fundraising is said to top the lists of things people find most scary. Right up there with fear of public speaking and fear of untimely death. Nonprofit fundraisers and volunteers refer to that fear when they explain why they don't make the fundraising solicitations...

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Inspiration and Advice for a New (Fiscal) Year

Inspiration and Advice for a New (Fiscal) Year

July 1st is the "New Year" for many nonprofits. New fiscal Year, that is! No matter how well the past year's fundraising was, today is the day you start back at zero. Again. So I asked some of the top experts in the field what advise they'd give to nonprofit leaders...

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Deadlines drive donations

Deadlines drive donations

One of my favorite fundraising colleagues, John Donovan, once said, "Deadlines drive donations." As we approach the end of June, this truth can help your fundraising efforts. Many nonprofits in North America end their fiscal year in June. The end of a fiscal year is a...

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Stop telling fundraisers their goal is “more”

Stop telling fundraisers their goal is “more”

Enough is enough. Nonprofit leaders need to set actual fundraising goals. Unfortunately, nonprofit leaders rarely do. Rather than setting a clear goal, leaders pressure fundraising professionals to raise more. "More" is vague and immeasurable. "More" is unacceptable....

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What if we’ve asked them all?

What if we’ve asked them all?

When I'm being a fundraising coach, I tend to coach nonprofit CEOs and executive directors. One of my primary tasks I try to help them build into their rhythm is for them is to make 5 - 10 major donor calls each week. But since CEOs aren't managing a large portfolio...

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You don’t need to be in crisis!

You don’t need to be in crisis!

Last week, I heard board members make a classic blunder. They were worried that they couldn’t fundraise any more. Why? Because they weren’t in a crisis. They had good reserves and the finances were very well managed. So they couldn't see why anyone would donate to the...

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Why high-achievers find fundraising hard

Why high-achievers find fundraising hard

As a leadership coach, I work with a lot of high-achievers. People who've experienced success enough times to be promoted to the head of a team, a department, or even the head the organization. One of the oddest things about leadership is in the Western model is that,...

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Just ask!

Just ask!

I've been doing LOTS of trainings in the last few months. And getting a lot of the same types of questions. They generally sound like: "How do I know when a right time to ask so-and-so?" "How do I know if that asking amount is too much?" "This is what happened during...

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The 2 things to avoid in year end fundraising

The 2 things to avoid in year end fundraising

With 4 weeks left in the calendar year, staying focused is more important than ever. Rather than feeling like you're living out a well planned fundraising year, these last four weeks can often feel like you're missing out on everything. That you're falling short...

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Fundraising is leading – from within

Fundraising is leading – from within

I've said for years that fundraising is all about leadership. And we all have leadership opportunities, even if we don't have leadership titles. One of the best ways to grow in our ability to lead is to get clear on our values. Both personally and organizationally....

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21 Ways for Board Members to Engage with their Nonprofit's Fundraising book image

You'll discover the 21 ways each board member can help their nonprofit's fundraising - even if they don't like to ask for money!

As a bonus, you'll get free fundraising tips every other week too!

Help your board fundraise for nonprofit with this FREE ebook

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