We’re not selling t-shirts

We’re not selling t-shirts

Fundraising isn't just about raising money one time. If it were, we could sell t-shirts. Fundraising is about connecting values - the values of donors with the values of your cause. Sure, there are times when we just need the transactional. We need to pay the bills....

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Thanking donors is NOT an activity report

Thanking donors is NOT an activity report

Fundraising is filled with things that seem to make sense, but don't. One of those areas is when it comes to thanking donors. When we thank donors, we think we need to prove to them that we did great work. So we fill our donor newsletters with Statistics (we fed X...

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Asking is (almost) more about listening

Asking is (almost) more about listening

In the last few weeks, I’ve had interesting conversations with people about asking. CEOs who think that asking is a “schpeal” – a precise formula of words that will get the prospect to give generously. Or that asking is a step by step process so precise that they can...

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Leadership and Fundraising in a Pandemic

Leadership and Fundraising in a Pandemic

This week, I was honored to be the guest on Eliz Greene and Thom Singer's show, The Webinar Talk Show. We talked about leadership, fundraising, events, and sales in a pandemic. I loved Eliz's story about a fundraising appeal that wowed her. And Thom's observations on...

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How NOT to write a fundraising letter

How NOT to write a fundraising letter

Have you ever written a fundraising letter? A fundraising letter you felt really proud about? One that presented your nonprofit in an amazing light. That showed how good you were working in your cause. One that was sure to convince donors to give to you? I have too....

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Donor generosity is astounding

Donor generosity is astounding

When we entered the pandemic lockdown here in the United States, nonprofits were rightly concerned about potentially plummeting donations. Those of us who'd been in fundraising through disasters and economic downturns, knew there'd be an initial spike in giving. But...

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Shifting focus in crowdfunding

Shifting focus in crowdfunding

This week, international crowdfunding expert Anita Gallagher came to The Nonprofit Academy to teach us the latest trends on successful crowdfunding. The shift in messaging may surprise you. Appealing to the Head or Heart? For a long time, nonprofit fundraisers have...

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Leadership tensions in fundraising

Leadership tensions in fundraising

Leaders are an amazing group. They regularly tackle issues no one else is willing to. And, in the midst of being pulled apart by multiple interest groups, they figure out which priorities to focus on. Leadership is not for the faint of heart! Add to that the tensions...

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Fundraising in an age of coronavirus (Covid-19)

Fundraising in an age of coronavirus (Covid-19)

If you’re one of my private coaching clients, you’ve already heard me ask: what preparations are you making for the possibility that your fundraising event might be canceled due to the coronavirus (now officially called Covid-19)? The numbers of coronavirus seem to...

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[Guest Post] Expanding Your Money Mindset

[Guest Post] Expanding Your Money Mindset

Changing the way you think about money is a vital key to becoming successful at fundraising. In this guest post, Andrea Waltz points out an important area for us to address. Andrea is the author of "Go for No! Yes is the destination, No is how you get there" - an...

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Book review – 10 Simple Fundraising Lessons

Book review – 10 Simple Fundraising Lessons

One of the joys of being a speaker and executive coach is that people send me their books. I have such a long reading list, that I usually take a l-o-n-g time reading the ones that are sent to me. I'm glad I didn't wait to read Jim Eskin's. (It definitely helped that...

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A surprising way to better fundraising

A surprising way to better fundraising

Improving fundraising is a never-ending quest for nonprofit leaders. But recent research shows a startling discovery on how to make your fundraising better. In "The Wake Up Call," researchers Dr. Adrian Sargeant and Harriet Day researched leadership styles and their...

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21 Ways for Board Members to Engage with their Nonprofit's Fundraising book image

You'll discover the 21 ways each board member can help their nonprofit's fundraising - even if they don't like to ask for money!

As a bonus, you'll get free fundraising tips every other week too!

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