Successful fundraising is built with human relationships. It’s not a mechanical process that you can “turn on” when you need it.

I find it’s better to build a habit of consistent communication with donors and prospect rather than trying to “make up” for not talking to people in weeks or months.

When we try to “make up” for lack of effort, we tend to overwhelm ourselves causing us to stop calling again. This creates a boom and bust cycle of activity.

Stephen Covey talked about man-made systems versus more agricultural ones. A college course is more man-made. You can “cram” at the end and still pass the test.

But a farmer can’t do that. Imagine a farmer deciding to take the spring planting off, not tend the plants in the summer, and then cram in the fall to get a harvest.

That’s unfathomable, isn’t it?

Fundraising leans on the agricultural side.

So rather than cramming, set consistent goals for your personal calls and outreaches. And consistent patterns for your appeals and donor impact reports.

Your nonprofit fundraising will be better for it. As will your relationships with donors and prospects!

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