Generating new leads

As we enter the home stretch of our 100 days, I'm relearning an important skill: leads generation. Odd as it is, this is a skill I seem to keep forgetting. I guess I just get comfortable communicating with existing donors and forget the need to keep finding new ones....

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April Special Update

Sandra Sims generously blogged a very nice post about Creating Donor Evangelists and this month's special. Thanks Sandra! I'm really excited about the conference call on May 2. We'll be able to really get to your questions about your specific situation. It's going to...

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April “Creating Donor Evangelists” Special

I'm really excited about this special: anyone that buys the Creating Donor Evangelists Audio Program between now and the end of the month gets free admission to a teleconference on Wednesday, May 2 at 1 p.m. EST. (Long distance charges may apply.) This class is going...

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Great Advice!

The Chronicle of Philanthropy has an interesting tidbit on how the British universities are learning to be more direct in fundraising. Here's some great advice:Among the advice offered: “After you ask for money, let the request hang in the air, even as tension builds...

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Last week, knowing tax day was upon us, I sent my Are You Paying Taxes on Your Charitable Giving? to a couple reporters at the local paper. I did it just see if it would fit into an article they were already working on. Little did I know they'd run it as a "brief."...

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Are You Paying Taxes on Your Charitable Giving?

Waterville, ME - If you are not strategizing your giving with your advisors, you may inadvertently be paying tax on your charitable gifts according to Marc A. Pitman, director of the Inland Foundation, Inland Hospital's fundraising subsidiary and founder of...

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100 Day Check Up

It's time for another 100 day check up. May 22, 2007 is the 100th day. How are you doing sticking to the plan? Personally, I've had some amazing twists and turns. I started with doing an extensive culling of our list of prospects to get it down to the top 33. That...

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Privacy Policy

Does your organization have a privacy policy? It should. If you need help, the DMA has a Privacy Policy Generator. Check it out!

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Featured in Leadership Advance Online

"Do It Yourself Fundraising: How to Get Money for Your Nonprofit" is featured in the quarterly journal of Regent University's School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship. You can read it, and the rest of the journal, at:

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Executive Coaches helping NPs hire

The Chronicle of Philanthropy has a great brief of a Wall St. Journal article on how executive coaches are helping nonprofits hire employees. The WSJ says this helps the potential employers and the job seekers!

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Fundraising Faux Pas

I almost succumbed to the "If I Mail It, They Will Give" fundraising faux pas! We sent about 100 letters to donors telling them about an incredible matching opportunity we have. A donor is matching every new endowed fund with $2500. So far, we have secured 11 of the...

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Job Opportunity in OH

This just came across my desk. I'm happy where I am but hopefully this may help someone else! To: Mr. Marc A. Pitman Fm: Colette M. Murray, CEO Paschal Murray, Inc. (Executive Search) 82782 Matthau Drive, Indio, CA 92201 (760) 863-4512 Dear...

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“Giving Large” article in the Boston Globe

There's a great article about the philanthropy of Myra Kraft (owner of the New England Patriots) in the Boston Globe called Giving Large. It's long but read the whole thing. It's a great insight into what motivates giving. Here's a sample: Kraft treats board work like...

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Before & After

Today, I'm giving my Creating Donor Evangelists seminar at the annual conference of the New England Association of Healthcare Philanthropy. Part of that seminar involves posting the pictures of real people that are impacted by your mission. Your organization's website...

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Creating Donor Evangelists special ending

Special reminder for Extreme Fundraising Blog readers There are just 13 days left to enjoy the special $14.97 price and free Priority Shipping on the digitally remastered "Creating Donor Evangelists Audio Program." On March 20, the price goes back to the normal $19.95...

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Job opportunity: Women’s Edge

There's a terrific sounding Director of Development position open at If I were interested in leaving a freezing Central Maine, I'd definitely look at this! To see all the incredible things this group does go to their website: The...

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Peru’s on time

Sounds like Peru is trying to make time count. According to the news, today at noon sirens will sound and church bells ring and all Peruvians are supposed to reset their clocks and watches. Unfortunately, according to today's NPR's MarketPlace Morning Report, when the...

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Sowing and Reaping

In reading the Chronicle of Philanthropy's article on last year's Record Giving Breaking, I came across this nugget: Officials at the California Community Foundation, in Los Angeles, were shocked when they received approximately $200-million from the estate of Mary...

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Give and Take

The Chronicle of Philanthropy is now offering a blog that compiles nonprofit related posts from other blogs. I'm please to see The Extreme Fundraising Blog listed on their blogroll (in the "Fundraising" category)! Check it out at:...

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More book help

Good evening!! My book "The R.E.A.L. Simple Guide to Asking for Money" continues to move along. And now at least one publisher is interested in publishing it! Here's where I need your help. If you've been helped by the ideas I've shared, would you reply to me and tell...

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Free Handouts – GISA wrap up

This past Monday, I had the honor of speaking to the enthusiastic members of the Georgia Independent School Association. They invited my in to speak on the three topics: importance of storytelling, how to ask for money, and how to handle objections. In this edition of...

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How are the 100 Days?

May 18 is coming faster than you know! How are you doing on your 100 day commitment? I don't know about you but I'm finding it incredibly easy to fill my time with minutia. You the desk, moving the computer moniter, grabbing a coffee. At times like...

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Why wouldn’t you report it?

I just don't get this. Why wouldn't you report being an officer in a family run philanthropy? Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and two other Democratic Congressional leaders failed to report their positions as officers in family charities as required by Congressional...

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Sorry for the many design changes over the last couple weeks. To quote U2: I still haven't found what I'm looking for. But the upgrade of Wordpress to 2.1 necessitated another change!

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The Rule of Threes

I'm giving a talk on the Rule of Threes in February. I love using this tool with organizations to help streamline their story. I'd like to add to my collection of "success" stories. If you've used this tool, would you share the results with me? You can leave a comment...

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Part of the Carnival

I'm honored to be included in the Carnival of Nonprofit Consultants with a bunch of other great posts. This week the Carnival is hosted at Jeff Brook's Donor Power Blog.

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Starting where you are?

Jeff Brooks at Donor Power Blog has a great example of what I was talking about earlier this week in Where You Start Matters. Check out this post which shows an actual letter Jeff got from a nonprofit he doesn't give to. It's scary to think they talk about themselves...

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3 Great Times to Ask for a Gift

Jeff Brooks over at the Donor Power Blog has another great post: 3 little-known best times to ask a donor for money If you're not regularly reading this blog, you should put it on your Bloglines before the day is out!

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21 Ways for Board Members to Engage with their Nonprofit's Fundraising book image

You'll discover the 21 ways each board member can help their nonprofit's fundraising - even if they don't like to ask for money!

As a bonus, you'll get free fundraising tips every other week too!

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