Fundraising Seminars and Nonprofit Executive Coaching

Does your fundraising seem like the movie "Ground Hog Day?"
Same boring stuff over and over again?

Fundraising can be thrilling again!
There’s nothing quite like the adrenaline rush of helping donors connect their finances with their passions. It’s like putting a plug into a socket: electric!

You’re in the nonprofit world because you believe in the incredible mission of your organization. So raising money to make that mission possible should be the most exciting thing in the world, shouldn’t it?

All too often, we try to fit our fundraising efforts into other peoples’ ideas of what we ought to do. Most of those programs make sense. But if they’re not a “fit” with your natural abilities, then they’ll just increase your stress and bog you down.

The Fundraising Coach can help!
I exist to help you get re-energized about raising money for your nonprofit and to give you the fundraising skills to be more effect than ever.

You can take advantage of my free fundraising blog, free fundraising and social media articles, tools for helping with fundraising and donor relations, and my nonprofit seminars and books like Fundraising Kick and the Ask Without Fear! book and DVD.

Or you can hire me to be your fundraising coach and together we’ll strategize your work and responsibilities to fit both your personal hard-wiring and abilities and your organization’s unique culture. I’ll even help you prune and steamline your existing fundraising activities to make them more productive.

I can also train your volunteers and board members either remotely through Ask Without Fear! or with custom onsite fundraising training.

Fundraising for nonprofits doesn’t need to be stressful or boring. Let me help you put the “fun” back into fundraising!
2435 East North St.
Ste 1108-171
Greenville, SC 29615
Phone: (317) 296-7886
Facebook Page

Other Fundraising Tools

“THANK YOU! I am absolutely thrilled. Just talking it out made me realize what I really want and nudged me to ‘go for it.’ If that was coaching, then you are brilliant! Feel free to quote me on your website, as well as include me in your success record.”

Evelyn Ramirez-Schultz
Director of Special Events,
Para Los Ninos, CA

“Marc is a fireball. So much fire and brilliance in his fingertips. He wants to bring that out in others and he’s not going to stop until he sees it.”

Lyn Christian, PMP
CFCC Innovation Director,
Franklin Covey Coaching , UT

“Thanks so much for all you are sharing with me! I am actually enjoying learning about fundraising! I didn’t think that was possible.”

Cami Foerster
Chairperson of the Board of Directors,
The Boston Project Ministries, MA

21 Ways for Board Members to Engage with their Nonprofit's Fundraising book image

You'll discover the 21 ways each board member can help their nonprofit's fundraising - even if they don't like to ask for money!

As a bonus, you'll get free fundraising tips every other week too!

Help your board fundraise for nonprofit with this FREE ebook

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