Years ago, the school that employed me as a fundraiser paid for a subscription to the Chronicle of Philanthropy. So when I began running a development shop, I made sure the Chronicle subscription was in my budget. But then, somewhere along the line, I realized two...
I love speaking to groups, helping people get excited about fundraising, and helping groups communicate more effectively. My team is looking at expanding the number of trainings I do. Every month we have people asking to attend a public session near them. If you’re...
I’m honored to be doing a fundraising training in Lewiston, Maine today at 11:00. It’s open to Chamber members and non-members. I’m sure you can pay at the door but since lunch is included with the price, I bet they’d love a call so they can...
I’m honored to be part of the new! The creators of were frustrated with how hard it was to find CFRE accredited training that didn’t cost and arm and a leg. So they got people like Tom Ahern, Simone Joyaux, Ted Hart, Marcy...
I’m thrilled to announce the launch of! Have you noticed how hard it is to find high quality, extremely practical, and affordable fundraising training? That inspired me to work to make it ridiculously easy for people to get fundraising training....