Here’s something I wrote about library support on the Facebook page of my local library. Unfortunately, it’s too long for the 1000 character limit! So I post it here and hope it’ll help others.
Hi gang,

Whatever you think of last night’s budget session, it’s clear that that we need to get the message out to an even broader audience.

I’m sure Sarah has back up for some of this but I’m thinking of a “Did You Know” campaign. Something that could be easily printed off by each of us and hung at our work places and in the cafes we frequent. Simple short messages that could even be put in our email signatures.

Something like this. (I don’t know if all of these are true, but it gives you an idea.)

    …cities with libraries are more economically prosperous?
    …cities with libraries have lower taxes?
    …cities with regional libraries attract more out-of-town people to local businesses?
    …cities with libraries spend less on GA?
    …library circulation has increased by X% in the past 3 years?
    …people use libraries even more during recessions?
    …libraries keep money in the local economy?
    …libraries help reduce family expenses?
    …people with library cards tend to have higher salaries?

They could all end with a “Go to to show your support!”

The website would urge people to give based on the three ways they can give: time, talent, treasure.

A simple clean landing page that had three links:

  • Get a library card < -- and make the process online and easy
  • Give money to the library campaign < -- leading to a page with something like a Google Checkout account
  • Get involved < -- leading to a page with linked PDFs that are easy to print out and HTML code for “Did you know…” web banners and squares for facebook and myspace and blogs.

What do y’all think? Is this a way of raising support for our library that sounds easily implemented?

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