Have you seen this?

I just Googled “How social should personal media be?” to find an image on my site.

What I got, was this:
Google grabbing screen

Can you believe it? I moused over my post and *pop* – there was the image of my site. And the section of the page with the close match to my search highlighted with a box!

Is Google keeping people off your site?

What do you think? Is this keeping people off your site?

That was my first reaction. “NO! I want people to click through to see my page!”

But now I’m wondering if this is actually helping my brand. After all, now people that might be looking for Chris Brogan’s post (the second search result) might actually get to see my site as I’ve designed it to be seen.

This new thing just might be helpful…

What’s your take? Is Google keeping people off your site or extending your brand?

For what it’s worth, the link to my take on being social in social media: How personal should your social media be?

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