The Basics are Extreme

I. FUNDRAISING BASICS: Introduction II. RESOURCE SPOTLIGHT: I. FUNDRAISING BASICS: Introduction I’ve been publishing the Extreme Fundraising Ezine since 2003. How time flies! All that time, I’ve wondered when someone would ask me, “Marc, what’s so ’xtreme’...

Are You Sold on Your Cause?

I received a terrific comment in response to an email I sent asking for help on a book I’m writing. After I answered it, I asked Lynn if I could reprint it here. I think we all face this scenario at one time or another! Marc – I’m currently working...

Unclear Terms

I. FUNDRAISING FOLLIES: Unclear Terms II. RESOURCE SPOTLIGHT: Executive Director Opening I. FUNDRAISING FOLLIES: Unclear Terms The Inland Foundation just received a $400,000 matching challenge grant to help us complete our current $1.1 million campaign. I was thrilled...

Fundraising Folly: Entitlement

entitlement n : right granted by law or contract (especially a right to benefits) [Written Wednesday, July 20, 2005] Yet again it’s time for Maine Public Broadcasting to do it’s pledge drive. Rather than the normal NPR news programs, now much of the time...

Proper Spam User Guide

I always suspected there was a user’s guide for spam out there somewhere. Now I’ve found it! When you’re fundraising, please remember that email addresses are a privilege. Don’t fall into the trap of using email exclusively “because...
21 Ways for Board Members to Engage with their Nonprofit's Fundraising book image

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