I’ve been through a flurry of bad powerpoint presentations recently. At the last one, the speakers turned their backs to the audience and read the slides word-for-word. I kid you not. Perhaps it was because the words were so tiny none of us could see them. If...
Last week, I had someone pay me a huge, though unintended, compliment when unsubscribing from my email newsletter. She said the content was “far too basic” for her. I was thrilled! I strive to make fundraising simple, basic, and easy to understand. Many of...
In the last edition, I mentioned some points taught by Betsy Rigby, Director of Development with Partners HealthCare at the New England Association for Healthcare Philanthropy annual conference in Rhode Island last month. One was the two managment theories,...
Last week I was at the annual conference for the New England Association for Healthcare Philanthropy. It was a great conference, and I did alot of tweeting. You can see all my NEAHP tweets here. A great session I went to was on managing development staff by Betsy...
Last fall, the Chronicle of Philanthropy reported on a study of 33 people showed that they understood charities needed to have overhead expenses and were willing to fund them. Granted, 33 people isn’t a huge sample. But these weren’t necessarily...
Last week, the Chronicle of Philanthropy pointed out a story from ThirdSector. In it, President Obama’s digital strategist, Thomas Gensemer, called email newsletters “a waste of time.” In the article he’s quoted as saying: “Email...