I’ve been hearing a well-meaning but fundraising killing myth while talking to many groups and training many boards over the last few months. It boils down to: “We need to do more education. If people really knew what we did, they would give money and our...
The Nonprofit Telesummit Tomorrow is the beginning of a free three day nonprofit training event. Happening from March 7 – 9, it’s called the Nonprofit Telesummit. Nine nonprofit and fundraising experts will be sharing sessions on things like: How to get...
All year, people have told me that hour long webinars are just too long. We’re all pressed for time. So I’m starting a 22 Minute Institute: 22 minute webinars focusing on some aspect of either: Fundraising, Leadership, or Social Media Would you help me...
I’m pleased to announce the Ask Without Fear! radio show is starting next Tuesday! This radio show will be hosted through BlogTalkRadio.com. Every Tuesday at 11 a.m., I’ll be interviewing the top fundraising gurus from around the US (and eventually from...
This month’s Carnival of Nonprofit Consultants question is: “What are you most looking forward to in the coming weeks and months?” My immediate answer is: Montreal in May! I’ve been invited to give two talks at Blackbaud’s Conference for...