Today I wore a t-shirt…to make a point! As a nonprofit leader, it’s so easy to be “on” all the time. Especially if you live in a small town. I used to spend more time than I’d like to admit wondering if I should get back into...
Frank Barry recently came out with a report on nonprofits and social media. He definitely “gets” social media and nonprofits! So I asked him to do a guest blog post for Here it is! Frank is manager of professional services at...
Catching up on my blogs today, I came across an interesting rant from Hildy on Direct Mail Fundraising is Junk Mail. Here’s a taste: Have our organizations ever spent as much time trying to engage the people who come through our doors as we spend trying to...
I’m having quite a week! Tuesday, I was invited to train the super-elite fundraisers for Habitat for Humanity International in Atlanta. I’ve been a fan of Habitat for years. And what a terrific group of development people they have! Now I’m at the...
FUNDRAISING BASICS: Get R.E.A.L! Engage! All too often, we’re totally backwards about asking people for money. Asking so fills us with fear that we put off the inevitable as long as possible. But at some point, our organizations goes into a financial crisis, and...