Improving fundraising is a never-ending quest for nonprofit leaders. But recent research shows a startling discovery on how to make your fundraising better. In “The Wake Up Call,” researchers Dr. Adrian Sargeant and Harriet Day researched leadership styles...
Nonprofit work is stressful. So often we go about our work without realizing the effects of that ongoing stress on our brains. But Jessica Sharp does. The founder of Sharp Brain Consulting, Jessica helps leaders and the people they serve. Here she gives insights into...
But most say overall 2018 fundraising is the same or better than last year’s. What a year 2018 was here in the USA. It started with a lot of nonprofit professionals and boards scared that the new charitable deduction would hurt giving. As the year went on,...
As much as I love to do in-person leadership and fundraising trainings, sometimes you just can’t get to them. So webinars can be incredibly helpful. Over the last few months, I’ve done webinars for NCDC, qGiv, NonprofitHub, and Bloomerang. Webinars on...
As a nonprofit leader, when was the last time you recommended another nonprofit? Plenty of room on the island A while back, Seth Godin wrote about there being plenty of room on the island. He observed that authors regularly recommend other authors even though an MBA...