We’ve all heard that science proves stories are more powerful than statistics. Kendall Haven’s book Story Proof: The Science Behind the Startling Power of Story goes into great detail about hundreds and hundreds of studies. We’ve seen storytelling...
I’m thrilled to introduce you to Diane H. Leonard, GPC. Diane is an accomplished grant professional who’s been providing provided grant counsel to nonprofit organizations of all sizes for over a decade. Since starting her firm – DH Leonard Consulting...
I’m shocked at how people looking for solid fundraising tactics, simply blow off storytelling. It’s as though there is some cosmic organizational chart in the sky that has storytelling is on one side (the “marketing” side) and fundraising is on...
We fundraisers are a fascinating group of talented individuals. But this year, I’m seeing many of us talk ourselves out of asking for money, even when the donors have told us they’ll give! I guess it should make sense: successful fundraisers need to be...
I’ve been through a flurry of bad powerpoint presentations recently. At the last one, the speakers turned their backs to the audience and read the slides word-for-word. I kid you not. Perhaps it was because the words were so tiny none of us could see them. If...