Here’s another story in the growing collection of unassuming people that become noteworthy philanthropists by leaving millions of dollars to charity.
The Chronicle of Philanthropy reports that James Ebbert, the son of a sharecropper, left $10 million to charities in Pennsylvania.
When reporting on this high-school-turned-business-owner:
He lived frugally and invested his money well, says the newspaper. Most people did not know he was wealthy or planned to leave a major bequest, the newspaper says.
You can read the whole story at the Chronicle of Philanthropy.
This adds to the list of people I previously blogged about: a retired librarian who left around $8 million and former secretary that left over $7 million.
To read what this may mean to your nonprofit, check out my Fundraising Secret #12: Don’t be fooled by flashy cars. Or get a copy of The Millionaire Next Door. This book explains the mindset of very smart fiscal conservatism that is exhibited by these unassuming philanthropists that take the nonprofit world by surprise.
And prepare for more of these stories. The people that learned frugal living from the Depression are coming to the end of their life. It’s always right to repect your elders. Now more than ever it may also help fund your cause.