by Marc A. Pitman | Jan 23, 2009 | 2. Engage, Internet & Social Media
…you should at least be learning about using Twitter for your nonprofit. Check out the volume of tweets during the Inauguration: The green line is last week at the same time. The blue line is this week. Twitter reports up to 5 times as many tweets per SECOND...
by Marc A. Pitman | Jan 21, 2009 | 2. Engage, 3. Ask
The Chronicle of Philanthropy pointed to a report by The Economist on research showing that public recognition may motivate donors to give bigger gifts. Dan Ariely of Duke University, Anat Bracha of Tel Aviv University, and Stephan Meier of Columbia University sought,...
by Marc A. Pitman | Jan 13, 2009 | 2. Engage, Fundraising Secrets
2009 looks like it will be a challenging year for fundraising. But people are going to give. It’s just a matter if they’re going to give to your organization. So one of your goals this year should be to make your nonprofit easy to find. Since more and more...
by Marc A. Pitman | Dec 30, 2008 | 2. Engage, 3. Ask, Fundraising Letters
If you’re not reading Seth Godin’s blog, you may want to make it a New Year’s Resolution to start! He recently had a pithy blog post on improving copywriting using the slogan on the sign in a Peets’ Coffee store “Unlike Any Coffee...
by Marc A. Pitman | Dec 11, 2008 | 2. Engage, 3. Ask, Odd
Like many Americans, I’ve been inundated with news stories about the Big 3 automakers attempts to get a federal loan of billions of dollars. Yes, billions. So I started wondering, what if the Big 3 were to teach nonprofits how to fundraise? Some of the humorous...
by Marc A. Pitman | Dec 6, 2008 | 2. Engage, Internet & Social Media, Samples & Tools
I love the benefits of social media: the ability to make connections, meet people I’d never meet staying here in Maine, two-way conversation rather than simply one-way broadcasting, etc. So I’ve added Google FriendConnect to my site. Just go to...