In my college class on internet marketing, students are required to use Twitter. Their grade is dependent on it. I just wrote instructions on how to set up a Twitter account since most of them don’t have one. I decided to share them here too! I hope it’s...
This week, I’m honored to introduce you to Debra Askanase. Debra Askanase is the founder and engagement strategist at Community Organizer 2.0, which works with nonprofits and businesses to create engagement strategies that move people to action. She has impressed me...
I last posted on Twitter chats back in April in the post 5 Twitter Tips for Fundraisers. Since then, I’ve really stepped up my participation in Twitter chats, particularly #blogchat: primarily about blogging; occurs most Sunday nights at 9 p.m. Eastern...
April’s Social Media Breakfast Maine was awesome. The bacon was amazing (as always). And the presentation by CC Chapman was great too! I recently found a copy of a blog post from a Blackbaud seminar that was just sort of “stream of consciousness.” So...
For more free fundraising tips right to your inbox, sign up for the free Ask Without Fear! email newsletter at: Forrest Gump could have said, Momma always said, ‘Fundraising’s like a Waldorf Salad. You gotta mix it up...
This week I am pleased to introduce you to Naomi Hamilton. Based in Australia, Naomi is the Digital Marketing Consultant for Blackbaud Pacific. This was originally published on the NetWitsThinkTank blog, where she’s a regular contributor. And you can follow her...