Lying to donors or good business sense?
There have been some pretty high profile news stories of direct mail firms and telemarketers pocketing 75% to 85% of the money raised for a charity. The latest was reported yesterday on NPR reporting on a Bloomberg investigation of InfoCision's work for charities like...
Fundraising Training in Lewiston, Maine
I'm honored to be doing a fundraising training in Lewiston, Maine today at 11:00. It's open to Chamber members and non-members. I'm sure you can pay at the door but since lunch is included with the price, I bet they'd love a call so they can have enough food. Call...
3 more contrarian tips for writing successful fundraising letters
Yesterday, I sent my Fundraising Kick members 3 contrarian tips on writing successful fundraising letters. Here are three more tips that seem to go against what we'd expect. These tips come from an amazing new book by Jeff Brooks called The Fundraiser's Guide to...
50% off fundraising training module
I'm honored to be part of the new! The creators of were frustrated with how hard it was to find CFRE accredited training that didn't cost and arm and a leg. So they got people like Tom Ahern, Simone Joyaux, Ted Hart, Marcy Heim, and...
Nonprofit fundraising for the one person shop
A few months ago, my colleague Pamela Grow released a new book specifically for nonprofits with a "one person" fundraising shop. This isn't just theory for her, she actually has been successful as a one person shop. So, since I love small shops-and even contributed a...
100 New Donors by December 3rd
It's September! How are your fundraising goals going? Could you use 100 new donors by December 3rd? I know that sounds like "hype" that a snake oil salesman would use. But this isn't hype, this a set of 12 action-oriented interviews for bringing 100 new donors to your...
Get over it and ask!
[Warning: rant in progress] Stop it with the excuses. The timing is never perfect. There are always reasons to put off asking people to support your nonprofit. And that is a sure way to get your nonprofit bankrupt. If your nonprofit is doing important work, people...
3 Ways the Lance Armstrong Foundation can Survive
Today's news is reporting Lance Armstrong's decision to not fight the doping charges. Many are saying he's basically admitting he's guilty. Herein lies one of the biggest challenges for nonprofits that are branded around a personality. Nonprofits with personality are...
6 funky ways to use your calendar
While I miss my old school Franklin Planner, I love the convenience of my Google Calendar. Over the years, I've developed some unconventional uses for my calendar. Here are 6 of them. Non-family birthdays: I'll start with the most banal first: birthdays. Whenever I...
Google+ is suddenly more relevant for nonprofits
Yesterday HootSuite [affilate link] announced support for Google+ Pages! Back in November, I blogged about Google+ being open for nonprofits. But one of the hardest things for nonprofits has been the fact that they have to remember to go to the Google+ site rather...
Don’t fire blanks with your email
It's summer here in the Northern Hemisphere. Summer can be a great time to take care of that list of things you were planning on doing "when you had time." Perhaps you could revisit your nonprofit's emails. Don't let your emails look like this Check out this email I...
FundCoaches: A revolution in fundraising training
I'm thrilled to announce the launch of! Have you noticed how hard it is to find high quality, extremely practical, and affordable fundraising training? That inspired me to work to make it ridiculously easy for people to get fundraising training. I...
Dialing for dollars (directions & fundraising script)
For many of us, June is the end of the fiscal year. Most donors could care less. But that doesn't mean we can slack off! A deadline is a great motivator. So even if it is a deadline that makes no sense to donors (donors think in terms of the tax year), it can still...
Building your nonprofit’s email list
Back in 2000, I used email to raise $100,000 in six weeks. I wrote about it in "The $100,000 Guide to Email Solicitation." (You can buy it in the Fundraising Coach Store but I give it away free to everyone who signs up for my free email newsletter.) People tell me...
[Question Marc] Striking out with grants
I am working for a non-profit and recently have begun writing agency grants as well. This organization in the past has never relied on grants, but instead on funding from two fundraisers and the state and federal monies. However, it seems that all of the foundations...
2 phrases to use when asking for money
I normally speak to large groups at conferences or to smaller groups of board members, but I've been privileged to do a lot of one-on-one major gift fundraising training this year. One of the most common questions I am getting from nonprofit employees and board...
The 3 best times to ask for money
Lots of us will be thinking about how to be more "green" since today is Earth Day. But how can we make our nonprofits more green? As in taking in more dollars? Ask! You knew that was coming, didn't you? Asking for money is where the magic happens! The 3 Best Times to...
3 Common Questions about 100 Donors in 90 Days
Since launching "100 Donors in 90 Days" on Monday, we've had many folks email and ask us some questions about it. There have been three main questions asked about the system, I emailed the answers to those on my newsletter list earlier today. But I figured more of you...
Don’t turn to the “dark side”
We fundraisers are a fascinating group of talented individuals. But this year, I'm seeing many of us talk ourselves out of asking for money, even when the donors have told us they'll give! I guess it should make sense: successful fundraisers need to be good...
Could you use 100 new donors in the next 90 days?
As the one-person development office at a rural hospital, my CEO kept asking me: "Why are we going back to the same people? When are you going to find new people?" He wasn't impressed by all the statistical and logical answers about donor retention and most of the...
[Question Marc] When do you ask a person on Twitter to follow you?
I just received this question: When is there an appropriate time to ask someone on twitter to follow you? My quick answer is "never." Asking people to follow you on Twitter makes you sound a bit whiny and desperate. Following is a personal thing. People follow others...
Are your politics hindering your fundraising?
A few weeks ago I sent a version of this to my Fundraising Kick subscribers. But I'm seeing someting that will seriously impair your fundraising so I wanted to share it with you too. Fundraisers: Stop the political vitriol! If we live in a democracy, we need to be...
Social Media: How to convince your boss
Every week or so, I get a question like I did last night. It was basically, "How do you convince your boss to let me use social media?" So being a social media geek, I immediately posted the question on LinkedIn's "Answers" tool. You can see the question and the...
Nine Free Fundraising Classes
The Nonprofit Telesummit Tomorrow is the beginning of a free three day nonprofit training event. Happening from March 7 - 9, it's called the Nonprofit Telesummit. Nine nonprofit and fundraising experts will be sharing sessions on things like: How to get your board...
Nonprofit Blog Carnival – Self-care for nonprofit staff and fundraisers
Nonprofit's can be incredibly crushing places to work. We give all we have because we believe in our cause. Our passion is admirable but leads to bad choices about our own lives. I'd argue this is especially true for fundraisers. People don't really get what we do....
Is your nonprofit board socializing enough?
In the last 24 hours, I've heard 6 different commentators talk about the polarization of our US government being exacerbated by the fact that no one socializes anymore. Ok. I was one of the people. And I was talking to my aunt and uncle in a restaurant in Hanover, NH....
Fundraising secrets aren’t so secret
I am fond of saying that "fundraising is an extreme sport." Like great athletes, fundraisers need to focus on the basics. At Blog World Expo last November I got to do a live interview with Susan McLennan about those basics, treating people with respect, and an easy...
Valentine’s Day for fundraisers – showing yourself the love
Thank you! As a fundraiser for a nonprofit cause, you are changing the world. Making it a better place. We need people like you! Loving the askers If we're good at fundraising, we spend considerable time thinking about how to best thank our donors. We throw galas,...
Upcoming Fundraising Coach training events in Nebraska & San Antonio
My upcoming fundraising training seminars take me to Omaha, Nebraska; Lincoln, Nebraska; and San Antonio, Texas, including a rare public seminar there! Thursday, February 23: AFP- Nebraska Luncheon "Who's Telling YOUR Story?" FMI:...
Nonprofit fundraising & Groundhog Day’s Ned Ryerson
Happy Groundhog Day! It's become my Groundhog Day tradition to repost my 2008 post: Fundraising Secret #11: Don't Be A Ned. Enjoy! (And don't be a Ned!) Fundraising Secret #11: Don't be a Ned Click on the image to watch the clip. Does this sound like your fundraising...