Nonprofit’s can be incredibly crushing places to work. We give all we have because we believe in our cause. Our passion is admirable but leads to bad choices about our own lives. I’d argue this is especially true for fundraisers. People don’t really...
Thank you! As a fundraiser for a nonprofit cause, you are changing the world. Making it a better place. We need people like you! Loving the askers If we’re good at fundraising, we spend considerable time thinking about how to best thank our donors. We throw...
I’m thrilled to be hosting the Nonprofit Blog Carnival for February! Since Valentines’ Day is this month, the Carnival topic is: As a fundraiser, how do you take care of yourself? I believe fundraising is the best profession in the world! But it can be...
[Warning: Rant in progress] In my book Ask Without Fear!, I encourage fundraisers to PYITS–put yourself in their shoes. Thinking like the donor or prospect can save you lots of embarrassment in the process of asking for money. But never forget: you are not your...
Since Thanksgiving is in November here in the USA, I always spend most of this month thinking about gratitude, gratefulness, and thankfulness. I wanted to post some really off-the-wall creative way to say thanks. Something that would wow you and get you to retweet...