Happy Groundhog Day! It’s become my Groundhog Day tradition to repost my 2008 post: Fundraising Secret #11: Don’t Be A Ned. Enjoy! (And don’t be a Ned!) Fundraising Secret #11: Don’t be a Ned Click on the image to watch the clip. Does this...
[Warning: Rant in progress] In my book Ask Without Fear!, I encourage fundraisers to PYITS–put yourself in their shoes. Thinking like the donor or prospect can save you lots of embarrassment in the process of asking for money. But never forget: you are not your...
One of your 2012 New Years resolutions should be to get more media for your nonprofit. No matter how big your marketing budget is, chances are great that you could use more exposure. More postitive exposure! I know for nonprofits, it’s much easier to fundraise...
Here’s a 5 minute recording of CC Chapman talking with me about using video in nonprofit work. Filmed at BlogWorld Expo in Los Angeles last month, you’ll see there’s a lot going around in the background…including voices from on high and a loud...
Here’s a video of my “Google+ for Nonprofits” session from BlogWorld Expo in Los Angeles last month. There were 2 sessions about Google+ there: Guy Kawasaki and Chris Brogan did one; I did the other. This was presented days before Google opened up...
The year is coming to a close so it’s the season for “Top 10 Lists,” right? Here are the list of the top 10 most popular posts published here on FundraisingCoach.com in 2011. # 10. was actually a tie between both: 3 Easy Phone Tips and 3 Tips for...