by Marc A. Pitman | Mar 29, 2011 | 2. Engage, 3. Ask, 4. Love (Stewardship)
Last week I heard Katy Perry’s “Teenage Dream” for the first time. The song is basically a few lines of lyrics repeated over and over. And it topped the charts in popularity. Listening to Katy Perry got me thinking about fundraising. Her song...
by Marc A. Pitman | Mar 12, 2011 | 2. Engage, 3. Ask, Events, Internet & Social Media, Samples & Tools
I’m pleased to be providing fundraising coaching for Twestival organizers around the world. Here are some tips the team has developed over the last couple years. I’ve updated them this year and made sure they fit in 140 characters! 🙂 Hopefully these will...
by Marc A. Pitman | Mar 3, 2011 | 2. Engage, 3. Ask, 4. Love (Stewardship)
I just had another talk with a fundraising director who was getting micro-managed by a nonprofit ED. She was out visiting sponsors for an event and getting emails questioning whether being out of the office was the best use of her time. This happens all the time. Even...
by Marc A. Pitman | Mar 2, 2011 | 2. Engage, Internet & Social Media, Samples & Tools
Last week, I tried giving my “Ask Without Fear!” Facebook page fans a special offer. Since they were already fans, I simply “updated fans” with the content of the special offer. That didn’t work. I’m so glad I tweeted and updated my...
by Marc A. Pitman | Mar 1, 2011 | 2. Engage, 3. Ask, 4. Love (Stewardship)
I grew up with a mother working on her Masters in family counseling. So as kids, my sister and I got to read a lot of her homework. Seriously. She’d photocopy articles or chapters in books and have all of us read it. I know. I grew up in a weird house. But it...
by Marc A. Pitman | Feb 15, 2011 | 2. Engage, Question Marc?
A client recently asked me an excellent question: I know of an organization that has a large board. It seems they do it so that they can invite potential donors to be on the board. It seems more or less honorary, they don’t get involved much. Should we look at...