I was just on a call with fellow members of the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy folks when someone asked, “Does anyone here use Twitter or Facebook?” It appeared I was the only one using social media for my nonprofit. Many wanted to, but their IT departments...
The latest edition of FundRaising Success Magazine has a terrific article by Bryan Schoell called Get Your Head Out of the Sand. Here’s the begining: People are talking about you online. Ignoring that fact won’t make it go away, so you’d best join in the...
Last week, I had the privilege of being a panelist on a Twitter seminar hosted by Helping Hands for Coaches. What a spirited conversation! We had people from all over the United States, including the media person for the Phoenix Suns, and a media coach from the UK. I...
With all the blog posts I’ve done on Twitter for nonprofits, you know I’m having a blast with Twitter. I’m connecting with old friends and new ones. I even used Twitter to rewrite a fundraising appeal! But over the last few weeks, I’ve seen...
Saw this on Beth Kanter’s blog post Generation Generosity. Whether we’re in a for-profit business or a not-for profit organization, it’s far to easy to focus on scarcity. I think slides like these help us re-center on abundance. Goodness And...
In a salute to Ground Hog Day, I’m reposting Fundraising Secret #11: Don’t Be A Ned. Enjoy! Fundraising Secret #11: Don’t be a Ned Click on the image to watch the clip. Does this sound like your fundraising efforts? Ned: Phil? Phil Connors? Phil...