Twitter for Nonprofits

Twitter is a great free tool. And in a time of economic uncertainty, a free tool is a welcome help! Twitter is called “microblogging.” You get 140 characters to get your message across. 140 characters to answer the question on the Twitter home page:...

Invasion of Privacy or Customer Service?

The Chronicle of Philanthropy’s Prospecting blog has an interesting post about a new planned giving tool. Apparently, it’s a CD that donors can play to see the benefits of making a planned gifts and a charity can customize it to be the “charity of...

Story telling tips

Anyone that’s attended any of my fundraising seminars knows I’m a big fan of storytelling. The NY Times offers a great article called 5 Tips for Telling Better Stories. In short, they are: Keep it simple Openings and closings are very important Be mindful...
21 Ways for Board Members to Engage with their Nonprofit's Fundraising book image

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