by Marc A. Pitman | Sep 11, 2007 | 2. Engage, 4. Love (Stewardship), Fundraising Secrets
[Warning: rant in progress] Hang around me for any length of time and you’ll hear me rant about the awful tendency of those of us in nonprofits of getting entitled. Sit in the back office of just about any nonprofit, and you’ll here people slip into talk...
by Marc A. Pitman | Jun 24, 2007 | 2. Engage, 3. Ask
Every once in a while you come a cross a blog post that takes your breath away. Fundraising from older people, ie, fundraising by Jeff Brooks is one of those. He quotes Mark Rovner as saying “Boomers and Xers have different worldviews, cultural touchstones, and...
by Marc A. Pitman | Jun 18, 2007 | 2. Engage, Donor Evangelists
Let’s revisit the idea of clubs. In his article, Michael Masterson gives an example of a dining club. Summing up the example, he states: The basic elements of a club that are at work in this example: Association with like-minded people This is the fraternal...
by Marc A. Pitman | May 8, 2007 | 2. Engage
Every nonprofit organization I’ve raised money for has had donor “clubs.” Oddly, they didn’t seem more than a way to categorize giving levels. When I thought of “club,” I thought of racquet ball, overstuffed leather chairs, and cigars & port. (One or two alum...
by Marc A. Pitman | Apr 24, 2007 | 2. Engage, 3. Ask
As we enter the home stretch of our 100 days, I’m relearning an important skill: leads generation. Odd as it is, this is a skill I seem to keep forgetting. I guess I just get comfortable communicating with existing donors and forget the need to keep finding new...
by Marc A. Pitman | Dec 6, 2006 | 2. Engage, 3. Ask
Here’s a follow up to my Dialing for Donor (visits) post: Don’t be the first to hang up the phone at the end of the call. It just happened to me yesterday. I chatted for close to a half hour with a friend I hadn’t connected with in over a year. When...