Today it’s my distinct pleasure to introduce you to Renee Tougas. I’ve known Renee and her husband Damien for more than a decade. They’re not your typical fundraisers, so when their crowdfunded Kickstarter campaign for $16,000 raised over $19,000, I...
A few months after I wrote the book Google+ for Nonprofits, Google+ released a new feature called “Communities.” In the time since the introduction, have become a great tool for interacting on Google+, both in raising awareness and in interacting with...
It’s been my pleasure to get to know Claire Axelrad and her great blog Clairification. I’ve always said my best Halloween costume was to dress as a fundraiser! As a guy who teaches how to ask without fear, I love the post she’s sharing. In it, she...
Today I’m pleased to introduce you to Lori Jacobwith. Lori and I have interacted over the last few years and finally got to meet in Minneapolis earlier this year. I’ve asked her to share her top tips on storytelling. You can check out her step-by-step...
Today I get to introduce you to Steven Shattuck, Vice President of Marketing at Bloomerang, the exciting new donor relationship management software that makes it easy to focus on donor retention. I’be been getting to know him over the last few months an love his...
I’m glad to introduce you to Tom Harrison, the CEO of Russ Reid. Tom and I are members of the FundRaising Success Editorial Advisory Board and were able to present at a recent conference in Philadelphia. He has an amazing mind for nonprofits and a good sense of...