With all the blog posts I’ve done on Twitter for nonprofits, you know I’m having a blast with Twitter. I’m connecting with old friends and new ones. I even used Twitter to rewrite a fundraising appeal! But over the last few weeks, I’ve seen...
One of the most important things to do in fundraising is make it easy for the donor. If you’ve listened to my fundraising training Creating Donor Evangelists, you’ll remember me saying that “hiding” isn’t an effective fundraising...
…you should at least be learning about using Twitter for your nonprofit. Check out the volume of tweets during the Inauguration: The green line is last week at the same time. The blue line is this week. Twitter reports up to 5 times as many tweets per SECOND...
I’m excited to be giving a webinar with Don Philabaum called Twitter Your Way to Contributions! You may remember, Don as a guest on my Ask Without Fear! Radio Show. He’s been a leader in the field of donor relations. Here’s some text from the webinar...
I love the benefits of social media: the ability to make connections, meet people I’d never meet staying here in Maine, two-way conversation rather than simply one-way broadcasting, etc. So I’ve added Google FriendConnect to my site. Just go to...
A reporter interviewed me earlier this week for a story on fundraising in a recession. As a follow up, he asked if I had tips to give nonprofits. Here’s what I wrote. I hope they’re helpful! Keep Asking! Treat your donor like an adult and let her make the...