Rant in progress: You’re going to have to ask!

[Warning: Rant in progress] It's happening again. I'm having lots of conversations with people that want an out. They want to know the magic mailing that will bring in lots of gifts. Or some magic event that will be a sure thing. These people claim to be interested in...

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How to survive as a small shop

How to survive as a small shop

I'm really pleased to introduce you to Tina Cincotti of Funding Change. When I saw this in her email newsletter, I asked her if I could share it with you. I'm glad she said yes! Be sure to sign up for her monthly Keep the Change newsletter. How to survive as a small...

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How a war in Libya can kill your website

When it comes to registering domain names, most people will choose top level domains like ".com," ".org," and ".net". But there are so many other options. My domain registrar, Joker.com lists 23 other options. And there are definitely more! Some sites have had a great...

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How to Make Your Fundraising Efforts Go Viral

Today's guest post is from Joe Garecht. Joe is the founder of The Fundraising Authority, a website that offers free articles and advice on raising money for small and medium-sized non-profits. He's got some great tips on positioning your fundraising appeal to go...

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Cool gigs this week! One might be near you!

I've just finished my final polish on my slides for the three talks I'm doing this week. I'm so excited! These are going to be great trainings! The LinkedBook? Wednesday, I'm giving 3-hour training on how to effectively use social media for individuals and small...

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Fundraising Training Videos now available online!

I'm thrilled to be able to announce that my publisher, 501 Videos, has made the Ask Without Fear DVD set available online! Now you have the opportunity to get the DVD or have a lifetime membership to a site with the full set of videos, forms, and resources available...

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Twestival Local 2011: Interviews with Organizers

Last month I had the privilege of interviewing some Twestival organizers, Stéphanie Montreuil @fleur_de_lotus of the Ottawa team and Chris Penbernthy @chrispenberthy on the Plymouth team. I love how both of these organizers are going about creatively helping charities...

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That Red Cross sure knows fundraising!

I just saw a post on Mashable about how the Red Cross is helping get the word out about fundraising. With a little snippet of code, you can have a thin red bar on the top of your website or blog to help raise money for the earthquake victims in Japan. You can see a...

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Now on YouVersion: Principles of Fundraising

Now on YouVersion: Principles of Fundraising

I'm thrilled to announce my Fundraising in the Bible seminar is now a free devotional reading plan on YouVersion! If you use this popular free Bible app, you can now do the 6 day study from your iPhone, iPad, Android phone, Blackberry, or even your desktop. Check it...

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3 things Disney has taught me about celebrations

I love going to Disney World in Florida. Disney has celebrations worked out to a science. Looking at this t-shirt today, I realized three things Disney's taught me about celebrations and special events: Find excuses to celebrate Disney seems to celebrate everything....

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Are fundraising professionals stupid?

I just had another talk with a fundraising director who was getting micro-managed by a nonprofit ED. She was out visiting sponsors for an event and getting emails questioning whether being out of the office was the best use of her time. This happens all the time. Even...

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Are your Facebook updates invisible?

Last week, I tried giving my "Ask Without Fear!" Facebook page fans a special offer. Since they were already fans, I simply "updated fans" with the content of the special offer. That didn't work. I'm so glad I tweeted and updated my Facebook status. People replied to...

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I’m sorry, is that your parent speaking?

I grew up with a mother working on her Masters in family counseling. So as kids, my sister and I got to read a lot of her homework. Seriously. She'd photocopy articles or chapters in books and have all of us read it. I know. I grew up in a weird house. But it was the...

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Fundraising training for libraries and librarians

I love libraries and believe their mission is as important in our digital age as they've ever been. So I'm working on a version of "Ask Without Fear!" specifically for librarians. I'm blogging my book at my new library fundraising blog Beyond Fines. Let's make this a...

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Fundraising on President’s Day?!

Today is President's Day in the USA. So I got to thinking: how could a nonprofit use this holiday for fundraising? Here are two ideas I came up with: (1) President's Day Mailing Send a mailing to your database listing all the past presidents -- however they're called...

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Sample Fundraising Kick emails

People are benefiting from the new Fundraising Kick weekly emails. [If you're not familiar with what I'm talking about, Fundraising Kick's are brief, simple weekly emails that quickly give you the added kick to do what you already know you need to do: ask for money.]...

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Make some green this St. Patty’s Day

You've got a month. Have you figured out a way to use St. Patrick's Day to raise some funds for your cause? What if you did a mailing along these lines: Dear _________, You've heard of the "luck of the Irish"? Well this St. Patrick's Day, families at our shelter could...

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Wikipedia’s savvy fundraising

I'm a big fan of making it ridiculously easy for donors to give. Apparently, Wikipedia is too. Last night, a web search from my phone led me to Wikipedia. They knew I needed the mobile website based on my browser, so they stuck a banner that gave directions how to...

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Should we have a large board?

A client recently asked me an excellent question: I know of an organization that has a large board. It seems they do it so that they can invite potential donors to be on the board. It seems more or less honorary, they don't get involved much. Should we look at making...

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Ask Without Fear! Fundraising Class

Tomorrow I'm teaching my first "open" fundraising class. It'll be held in Lewiston, Maine at the Androscoggin County Chamber of Commerce. For more information, and to register for the class, go to https://fundraisingcoach.com/class. Apparently people are finding this...

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21 Ways for Board Members to Engage with their Nonprofit's Fundraising book image

You'll discover the 21 ways each board member can help their nonprofit's fundraising - even if they don't like to ask for money!

As a bonus, you'll get free fundraising tips every other week too!

Help your board fundraise for nonprofit with this FREE ebook

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