Are there creative ways to publicly thank donors?
Q:My organization is building an endowment fund and several people have made generous donations in the past few months. Of course, we've thanked them personally, but we want to find a more "public" way of recognizing them. We will include them in a special list in our...
Printed Donor Lists: To do or not to do?
Q: What are your thoughts about including an annual roll of donors in a (printed) annual report? Our staff is split 50/50 on whether that is still useful, necessary, or appropriate. Thanks. Katie Benston, Dir. of Annual Support Hospice & Palliative Care Charlotte...
Fundraising Secret #45: SAY THANK YOU!
As kids, most of us were trained to say "thank you." Some of us even had parents that required us to write "thank you" notes to relatives that gave us gifts. So why don't we say "thank you" to our donors? The very people that fund our mission. That give out of their...
How Funders are Changing the Game: Movie Mondays
Did you see this free "Movie Mondays" by 501 Videos on How Funders are Changing the Game? (Sorry. I haven't figured out how to embed these videos into my blog.) If you want to get the free movies each Monday, sign up at: Movie Mondays. Hurry, a new...
Perfect opportunity for a corporate ask?
Q: Hi Marc! 🙂 You seem to know much about fundraising...any great ideas on a fundraiser for Cub Scouts...we need to raise $1500 for a new pinewood derby track...however the pack is in an area that the people don't have tons of money...HELP! I need a jump start. TY...
5 tips on choosing your nonprofit URL
Q: Marc, I'm embarrassed to admit that we don't yet have a website. But do you have any advice about choosing a domain name? A: Great question! Getting a memorable domain name is a very important step in online fundraising. All fundraising, really. Donors often check...
5 tips for increasing traffic to your nonprofit’s website
Q: Do you know of the best way for my web site to come up on search results when people type in the words “Aids, South Africa, Africa”? I wish to increase traffic to my web site and since this is unfamiliar territory I thought you could help me...
It’s Beth Kanter’s birthday
Today's the birthday of the amazing Beth Kanter. I love her passion for nonprofits and social media. I'm particularly grateful for her helping us in the nonprofit world articulate metrics and ROI. Not only is she a really smart teacher, she's also doing the actual...
When is the best time to host a fundraising movie event?
With the first blog post of 2010, I'm starting a series of posting questions I receive and my answers to them. Sort of a "Dear Abby" for fundraising. I'm calling it "Question Marc" -- pun fully intended! 🙂 It'd be great to have you take part. If you have a question...
Fundraising Secret #44: Up your giving this year
Wondering how to increase your fundraising effectiveness in 2010? Here's an idea: increasing your personal other organizations (not your own). Go check out Jeff Brook's blog post "Fundraisers who don't give don't get it." In it, he refers to a post by Seth...
Can Chase Learn from it’s Community Giving #fail?
Chase embarked on the largest social media contest to date with the announcement of its Chase Community Giving initiative. The contest was supposed to crowd source their philanthropy, allowing Facebook users to vote on which charities would receive their $5 million....
SOFII needs your help
Many of you have heard me extol the virtues of SOFII in the past. SOFII stands for "The Showcase of Fundraising Innovation and Inspiration." And what a showcase it is! For the low cost of free, you can view articles from the greatest fundraisers from around the globe....
Fundraising Secret #43: Fundraising takes guts
I was talking to a friend last week about her fundraising efforts. She was having second thoughts about a mailing that was going to business leaders she knew and respected. I'd rarely heard her confidence this shaken. As we started discussing the letter, I asked her...
I’m so grateful this TweetsGiving
As most of you know, I am an avid fan of social media tools like Twitter and Facebook. They don't replace normal fundraising techniques, but they sure to extend our ability to reach our donors and donor prospects. So this week, I want to tell you about a cool...
Twitter lists and branding according to Jay Baer and Wordle
Like so many others in the past few days, I read a great blog post on what twitter lists can say about your personal brand by Jay Baer. He points out that Twitter lists give a unique insight in to what people think of you. As he says, these words they use help tell...
Tweetsgiving is almost here!
What happens when techie people decide to express their gratitude during Thanksgiving? TweetsGiving of course! Will you join me in tweeting your gratitude? You can find out all about it at: Be sure to click on the "join us" link. But hurry,...
Fundraising warning: Don’t limit your fishing to the smallest pond
Within the last couple weeks, there was an article about another nonprofit closing. Reading the article, I saw an incredibly common fundraising myth perpetuated. The myth sounds goes something like this: if we only had more businesses and foundation grants, then our...
Facebook Marketing advice in the NYT
Waterville's amazing librarian, Sarah Sugden passed on this terrific article from the New York Times, How to Market Your Business With Facebook. It's well worth reading for nonprofits too. For instance, take this great advice: Some basic rules: Buy-buy-buy messages...
Fundraising oddity: Bet you’ve never seen THIS before!
Earlier this week, I walked into an office here at Inland Hospital and saw this. After being a bit grossed out, I read that it was one way this office was collecting for our hospital's United Way drive. Being the geek I am, I decided to run a photo caption contest by...
Hospitals helping Fort Hood Casualties
One of the privileges of working in philanthropy is seeing people rise to the challenge when tragedy strikes. Yesterday, this email came across an email list for those of us involved in AHP, the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy. Neil gave me permission to share...
Using Twitter and Facebook in your year-end fundraising letter strategy
Last time, we looked at creating a year-end strategy for fundraising letters. But in today's world, it's wise to consider complementing these appeals with tools like Facebook and Twitter. According to FundRaising Success Magazine: Between 35 percent to 42 percent of...
Fundraising is NOT the “f” word
I've been amazed at how afraid people can be of asking for money. Some even seem seem afraid of the very word "fundraising." So I've found myself saying "Fundraising is not the 'f' word!" So, with the help of, I've created some t-shirts, mugs, stickers,...
Start your year-end fundraising letter strategy today!
Have you started your year-end fundraising letter yet? Fiscal people can do funny things to the way we measure time. In our organization, our year-end was September 26 this year. Many schools and colleges work on a July-June calendar. Others end their year in February...
Development and Social Media in a nutshell
In the last three weeks, I've given five talks about social media and fundraising to various groups of development officers. Today I was asked to sum up one of the sessions. Summing up social media without slides is challenging but here was my attempt: Social media is...
3 reasons social media is worth the effort for local nonprofits
This past week, I've been privileged to be on a couple panels introducing nonprofit organizations to social media tools like Twitter, Facebook, and Linked in. While I love these tools, I was quick to express that: They don't replace all the good fundraising practices...
Homeless man leaves $4 million estate
Do you remember Jean Preston, the unassuming librarian who'd amassed an $8 million estate? Or Helene Whitlock Alley, the $100 donor that bequethed $7.3 million to a diabetes group. Well here's another entry in the never underestimate anyone category: Richard Walters....
Fundraising Secret #42: You’ll need to change your schedule
In Fundraising Secret #41, I encouraged you to go rounding on your donors. Since then, I've been reminded how much time this takes! It's not just the visit time, that time is wonderful. But it's time to set up the visits and then, more importantly, the time to record...
Twitter 101: What’s the deal with hashtags (and why should I care?)
All week, I've been sharing the answers I've been giving to questions I've been getting on how to effectively use Twitter. The first two were on what I use to tweet and how to find interesting people to follow. Today is the final installment: What are hashtags? (And...
Twitter 101: Finding Interesting People to Follow
On Monday, I started the first of three posts I'm calling Twitter 101. That post focuses on programs I use to tweet. Today, I'll answer the second question I've been getting: How do I find people to follow on Twitter? How do I find people to follow on Twitter?...
Twitter 101: Basic tips and advanced techniques for using Twitter
Recently, I've been asked how to use Twitter. I've already written on Twitter for Fundraising and Twitter for nonprofits. But these questions were much more "tactical," how-to type questions so I thought I'd share with you what I've been telling folks. The questions...