Searching for fundraising help

Thanks to everyone that responded to my "how do you find fundraising help in the web" email last week. Many asked me to share my results so here they are: Fundraising search terms non-profit capital campaign, planned giving forms, annual campaign, foundations, grant...

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Inspire Evangelists

Reading through a recent issue of Contributions Magazine, I was delighted to stumble across a summary of a new book, Forces for Good: The Six Practices of High-Impact Nonprofits. The authors underwent an incredibly thorough research project to try and ferret out the...

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Facebook “Ask Without Fear!” fan page

I'm playing with Facebook some more and have created and updated my Ask Without Fear! Facebook page. If you're on Facebook too, would you become a fan? The link is: While you're there, feel free to become my...

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The Big Give

I just watched the premier of The Big Give. (Thank God for a DVR! 🙂 ) I really liked it. I was really touched by the examples of people bringing community together. Like the woman who's husband was shot. Wow. They all pulled together. And the balloons. How cool that...

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Effective email

Anyone that's read my $100,000 Guide to E-mail Solicitation knows that I'm a big proponent of simple, effective emails. Chris Brogan has an incredibly helpful post on Writing More Effective Email. Read it and benefit. I love the simple concept of using the subject to...

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50 lighter

I've been very "aware" of my blog reading habits since Fundraising Secret #10: Read Blogs. And I realized I'd signed up for too many. So many people are writing so many good things. But I don't need to read them all. I just went through my 112 subscriptions and...

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Habitat for Humanity & CEEP

I'm having quite a week! Tuesday, I was invited to train the super-elite fundraisers for Habitat for Humanity International in Atlanta. I've been a fan of Habitat for years. And what a terrific group of development people they have! Now I'm at the Consortium for...

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Be real

One of my favorite stories is Winston Churchill's definition of "diplomacy." According to what I heard, Churchill said: "Diplomacy is not saying, 'Lady, your face is so ugly it would stop a clock' but 'Darling, when I look into your eyes, time stands still.'" I love...

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It’s a conversation

Jeff Brooks is always full of great advice and delightful humor. In his blog post, You Can't Control the Conversation, he offers these tips: Here's what to do: Pay a lot of attention to your donor experience. What does it feel like to donate to your organization? Do...

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Involuntary tithing

Check this article out from the Chronicle of Philanthropy's daily email: A Charity Levy for Britain's Wealthy? Affluent British people who do not give at least 10 percent of their incomes to charity should pay an equivalent surcharge in taxes, said Frank Field, former...

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Is it about us, or about them?

Chris Busch has a great blog post on the differences of political campaign websites. You may remember that in the "Create a Cause" tenent Creating Donor Evangelists, I recommend looking at political sites to see what they do well. Well check out the sites of the front...

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$100 donor or millionaire?

Just read this in the daily update from the Chronicle of Philanthropy: Large Bequest Surprises Diabetes Charity An 86-year-old Annapolis woman who died in a house fire last March shocked a diabetes group by bequeathing it the largest donation in the organization’s...

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Fundraising Secret #11: Don’t be a Ned

Fundraising Secret #11: Don’t be a Ned

With Ground Hog Day right around the corner here in the US, I thought we'd learn Fundraising Secret #11 from the perspective of the classic movie Ground Hog Day: Fundraising Secret #11: Don't be a Ned Does this sound like your fundraising efforts? Ned: Phil? Phil...

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20% off sale extended

To help you get even more of a jumpstart to 2008, I've extended my offer of 20% off my Creating Donor Evangelists products and the Highlands Abilities Battery. Just go to and after you put the items in your cart, type the word...

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Fundraising Secret #10: Read Blogs

January is a great time to set plans for the new year. I know many of you are using my MagnetGoals Program or something similar. If raising more money this year is one of your goals, one of the most important things you can commit to is investing in learning. Learn...

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Coaching Services

Since more people are asking about coaching, I've updated my Fundraising Coaching Services page at Let me know if I can be of service!

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Book update

I've been emailing with the publishers of Ask Without Fear! A Simple Guide to Connecting Donors with What Matters to Them Most. They assure me the book will be in print by the end of February/beginning of March. As hard as it is for me to believe, there are other...

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I've just tweaked my page at Squidoo. Sorry. My "lens" at Squidoo! If you use Squidoo, I'd love to hear the things you like most about it. Feel free to post a comment here.

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Percentage Based Fundraising

If I had a nickel for every time I was asked if I'd work for a percentage of funds raised, I'd be a rich man. But fundraisers that have been in the field far longer than my measly 10 years have long been against this practice. The idea appeals to the entrepreneur in...

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Carnival of Nonprofit Consultants

Nancy Schwartz is hosting this month's Carnival of Nonprofit Consultants. Check it out to see what the three top things some of us are committing to in 2008. It's not to early to start thinking about your 2008 goals. Be sure to check out my MagnetGoals program!

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Not Enough Status

Just made a reservation for the New England Association of Healthcare Philanthropy 2008 Conference at the Mystic Marriott Hotel & Spa. The call to the Marriott reservations person was friendly. He knew of the conference discount. He not only asked if I was a Marriott...

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21 Ways for Board Members to Engage with their Nonprofit's Fundraising book image

You'll discover the 21 ways each board member can help their nonprofit's fundraising - even if they don't like to ask for money!

As a bonus, you'll get free fundraising tips every other week too!

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